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Day 21 of 90daysofdevops · What is the Difference between an Image, Container and Engine? Image: An image is a lightweight, stand-alone, and executable...
Day 20 of 90daysofdevops · Docker Basics docker pull <image>: download a Docker image from a repository docker images: list all Docker images on your...
Day 19 of 90daysofdevops · Docker-Volume Docker allows you to create something called volumes. Volumes are like separate storage areas that can be...
Day 18 of 90daysofdevops · Docker Compose Docker Compose is a tool that was developed to help define and share multi-container applications. With...
Day 17 of 90daysofdevops · Create a Dockerfile for a simple web application (e.g. a Node.js or Python app) Build the image using the Dockerfile and run...