Day 7 - Advanced Terraform Topics

Day 7 - Advanced Terraform Topics

Day 7 of TerraWeek

Terraform Workspaces

  • Terraform workspaces are used to manage multiple instances of the same infrastructure within a single Terraform configuration.

  • Workspaces allow you to create and manage separate sets of resources for different environments (e.g., development, staging, production).

  • Each workspace maintains its own state file, ensuring isolation and preventing interference between environments.

  • Workspaces enable you to switch between different environments using the terraform workspace select <workspace_name> command.

  • The terraform workspace new <workspace_name> command creates a new workspace.

  • The terraform workspace list command displays a list of available workspaces.

  • Terraform configuration files (e.g.,, remain the same across workspaces, promoting code reusability.

  • Workspaces can have different backend configurations, allowing you to store state files in separate locations if you're using a remote backend.

Remote Execution

  • Remote execution refers to running Terraform commands and workflows in an environment outside of your local machine.

  • It allows you to execute Terraform operations on a remote infrastructure, typically using a remote backend like Terraform Cloud, AWS S3, or HashiCorp Consul.

  • Remote execution offers several benefits, including centralized state management, collaboration features, and enhanced security.

  • With remote execution, multiple team members can work with the same infrastructure code, enabling easier coordination and consistent state management.

  • It also helps prevent issues that can arise from managing state files manually, such as conflicts and data loss.

  • Terraform Cloud is a popular choice for remote execution, providing a web-based interface, collaborative features, and a secure environment for managing Terraform workflows.


  • Collaboration in Terraform involves multiple individuals working together on the same infrastructure codebase.

  • Collaborative features are especially relevant when using a remote backend like Terraform Cloud.

  • Collaboration tools enable team members to work concurrently on infrastructure code, track changes, and collaborate on improvements.

  • Features such as access controls, role-based permissions, and workspace isolation help maintain security and control over infrastructure deployments.

  • Collaboration platforms often provide version control integration, allowing you to leverage features like pull requests and code reviews to ensure code quality and correctness.

  • Communication channels, such as comments and notifications, facilitate discussions and keep team members informed about changes and updates to the infrastructure.

  • Collaboration in Terraform streamlines teamwork, promotes transparency, and ensures that everyone is working with the latest code and state information.

Code Organization in Terraform

  • Terraform encourages modular code organization to improve maintainability and reusability.

  • Breaking down infrastructure code into modules helps manage complexity and promotes code sharing across different projects.

  • Modules can represent reusable components, such as VPC configurations, database setups, or application deployments.

  • Organize your codebase into directories, with each directory representing a separate module or logical grouping of resources.

  • Use variables and outputs to define module interfaces and enable flexible configuration.

Version Control with Terraform

  • Version control systems like Git are commonly used to manage Terraform codebases.

  • Create a Git repository to track changes to your Terraform code.

  • Commit your codebase regularly, providing a history of changes and facilitating collaboration.

  • Use branches and pull requests to manage and review code changes before merging them into the main branch.

  • Tag important releases or versions of your infrastructure code for easy reference.

  • Incorporate Git workflows like GitFlow to manage feature branches, releases, and hotfixes.

CI/CD Integration with Terraform

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices can be integrated with Terraform to automate infrastructure workflows.

  • CI/CD pipelines enable automated testing, building, and deploying of infrastructure changes.

  • Popular CI/CD platforms like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and AWS CodePipeline can be used for Terraform integration.

  • Set up a CI/CD pipeline to trigger Terraform operations, such as plan and apply, when changes are made to the infrastructure code.

  • Incorporate pre- and post-deployment tests to validate infrastructure changes and ensure stability.

  • Use infrastructure as code tools to provision the necessary infrastructure for running the CI/CD pipeline, such as creating temporary environments or isolating workspaces.

  • Consider using infrastructure pipeline patterns, such as GitOps, to manage infrastructure changes and version control in a CI/CD context.

Terraform Cloud

  • Terraform Cloud is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform provided by HashiCorp. It offers a centralized and collaborative environment for managing and operating Terraform configurations.

  • Terraform Cloud provides remote state management, allowing you to store and manage Terraform state files securely in a centralized location.

  • Multiple team members can collaborate on infrastructure code and configurations within Terraform Cloud.

  • It integrates with popular version control systems like Git, enabling seamless collaboration, versioning, and automated workflows.

  • It maintains a history of Terraform runs, including plans, applies, and other operations, providing visibility and auditability.

  • Terraform Cloud is designed to handle large-scale infrastructure deployments, offering scalability and high availability.

  • Terraform Cloud offers cost estimation capabilities to estimate the expenses of infrastructure changes.

Terraform Enterprise

  • Terraform Enterprise is an enterprise-grade version of Terraform Cloud, provided by HashiCorp.

  • It offers a self-hosted solution for managing and operating Terraform configurations within the organization's infrastructure.

  • Terraform Enterprise provides all the features of Terraform Cloud with additional capabilities and control over the infrastructure environment.

  • It allows organizations to have full control and customization over their Terraform infrastructure.

  • Terraform Enterprise offers advanced security features, such as private networking, audit logging, and compliance controls, to meet enterprise-level security requirements.

  • Terraform Enterprise integrates with existing enterprise tools and systems, such as LDAP/SSO authentication, version control systems, and CI/CD pipelines.

  • It offers additional administrative controls and user management features for managing access and permissions within the organization.

  • Terraform Enterprise provides enterprise-level support and service-level agreements (SLAs) for organizations requiring dedicated technical assistance and priority response times.

  • It enables organizations to establish governance and policy controls by enforcing best practices, compliance rules, and approval workflows.

  • Terraform Enterprise is suitable for organizations that require on-premises or private cloud deployments and prefer to have full control and customization over their infrastructure environment.

Terraform Registry

  • The Terraform Registry is a public repository provided by HashiCorp for sharing and discovering Terraform modules, providers, and other community-driven resources.

  • It serves as a centralized hub where users can publish and access reusable infrastructure code.

  • The registry allows you to easily search for modules and providers developed by the community or official sources.

  • It provides a versioning system for modules and providers, allowing users to track changes and choose specific versions for their deployments.

  • Terraform Registry enables collaboration by providing a platform for users to share their modules and contribute to existing ones.

  • It offers documentation and examples for each module, making it easier to understand and use the shared infrastructure code.

  • The registry supports both official modules/providers maintained by HashiCorp and community-contributed modules/providers.

  • It provides a review process for community modules to ensure quality, security, and adherence to best practices.

  • Users can provide feedback and ratings for modules, helping others make informed decisions when selecting and using them.

  • The Terraform CLI integrates with the registry, allowing users to easily discover, download, and configure modules and providers in their Terraform configurations.

  • Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise provide direct integration with the registry, allowing organizations to manage and distribute private modules internally.

Thank you for reading!!
~Shreya Gupta

Great initiative by the #trainwithshubham community. Thank you Shubham Londhe

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